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WooLee Winder for Ashford Electronic Spinner TWO and THREE

Your Price: $325.00
Part Number:AE2F

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This WooLee Winder will fit the Ashford Electric Spinner 3 as well as model 2, which is the rectangular-shaped ones.  The WooLee Winder consists of the flyer and one bobbin and uses the whorls from Ashford so the ratios remain the same as with your stock flyer.

Note:  The difference between the model 1 and 2&3 is how the flyer connects to the motor.
           The model 2&3 has a flat spot on the flyer shaft. The older model 1 has a U-shaped cut in the shaft.
5 Stars
This is one of the rare items which deserves a much higher rating than five stars. The mechanical quality is excellent and it works perfectly. What a great invention for us spinners. Thank you, Mr. Lee!
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Reviewed by:  from Maryland. on 1/17/2021
5 Stars
sultanate of Oman
i need One spindle machine
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Reviewed by:  from Oman. on 11/30/2017